Job: Groomsman
Relationship: Consigliere to Jimmy
How We Met: Jimmy and Evan met in the cutthroat world of high school forensics, where they took joys in tearing apart their opponents with screwball debate cases and gonzo student congress legislation (not to mention a legendary two-man dramatic interpretation of the Star Wars Trilogy). In spite of their current lack of geographic proximity, they still find time to riff on episodes of The Sopranos and discuss the comparative merits of the Tarantino oeuvre.

Job: Groomsman
Relationship: Accessory before, during, and after the fact to Jimmy
How We Met: Though they crossed paths several times in high school due to mutual connections in the Albuquerque punk rock scene, Nick and Jimmy didn't start hanging out until they both came to NYU for college. There they bonded over a mutual affinity for obscure indie bands of the 1980s. When not watching never-ending Simpsons marathons in their dorm, they used their proximity to the city to see many excellent bands (along with a few that kind of sucked). And while they still catch a good show from time to time, it's unlikely that any will top the epic Ween/Walkmen double feature of '03.
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