The moment you've all been waiting for....drum roll, please.
*drum roll*
Okay, so here's the hotel info for the weekend of the wedding. We have a block of rooms at the Schenectady Holiday Inn (it has a pool!) for October 8th and 9th:
Holiday Inn Schenectady
You can call 518-393-4141 and ask for the Huth-Long Wedding block of rooms.
You can stay at The Stockade Inn (where the wedding is) but there are a limited number of rooms and they only have availability for the night of October 9th.
Stockade Inn Rooms
You can call 518-346-3400 to reserve rooms if you would like, just tell them you're with the Huth-Long Wedding.
Please feel free to email either of us if you have any questions!
A Luxurious Summer Wedding in the English Countryside at Euridge Manor
[section title=”The Planning”] [field title=”The Inspiration”]The
inspiration for this day was deeply rooted in the grandeur of location
itself. The estate...
3 hours ago
sooooo who wants to share a room with me?