Job: Bridesmaid
Relationship: Partner in Crime to Erin, Rap Battle Ally to Jimmy
How We Met: Erin and Jessie became friends while studying abroad in Dublin their junior year at NYU. They ended up directing 2 music videos together while there and spending most hours of most days together doing a combination of goofing around and working. That began a hilarious partnership that usually ended with someone in a wig. They've remained close friends despite being on two different coasts and can always be found talking about TV, watching hilarious movies or just chatting about nothing, on the computer.
Jimmy also met Jessie during the famed Junior year jaunt to the Emerald Isle. They bonded over their mutual appreciation of mid-90s hip hop and masochistic fandom for ursine Chicago sports franchises.

Name: Christina "Stina" Mar
Job: Bridesmaid
Relationship: Partner in Crime to Erin, Musical Moron Twin to Jimmy
How We Met: It was 2002 and the NYU Freshman Film Department was sent to the Poconos for "Camp Bug Byte." Stina and Erin spent some time paddle boating together while there, realized they had a lot of classes together, and the rest is history. Stina and Erin ended up having many many more classes together after that and Stina ended up in Dublin too! Their time together has been lots of silly movies, lots of TV and lots and lots of theme nights. Thank goodness for instant messaging so even when they're on opposite sides of the country, they are in constant contact.
Jimmy met Christina when they were living next door to one another in the NYU apartments on Fishamble Street in Dublin. While Jimmy often used this proximity to get closer to a certain criminal accomplice, they also found a shared interest in pretentious indie music and medieval fortresses-turned-hostels in Western Germany. Though they now live thousands of miles apart, they continue to discuss the overratedness of every band on Pitchforkmedia and talk shop about the cutthroat world of nonlinear video editing.
Here are some Jessie/Erin/Stina picture gems from the past (isn't it creepy that we're in the same order in all 3 pictures?!):

Besides the fact that Jessie and Stina happen to be two of our closest friends, we're also very excited for them to be in the wedding party because they were present at "the beginning." They are part of a very small number of people who remember when Jimmy and Erin weren't "Jimmy and Erin" and we're really excited for them to be there with us. And, also, we can't wait for the hilarious pictures that will ensue.